Dear Arundel CLT Member
Development off Ford Road – significant milestones achieved!
Arun District Council announced approval for the Reserved Matters relating to the development off Ford Road on 4 May 2023.
Also, financial terms have been agreed between the housebuilding (Esquire Developments) and Aster, our Registered Provider of Affordable Homes.
This provides the basis for ACLT to purchase the freeholds of 20 Social Rent homes and for Aster to purchase the 7 Shared Ownership homes. Both Social Rent and Shared Ownership homes will be allocated in line with ACLT’s Local Lettings Policy.
We await to hear when construction will begin. We hope the Steering Group proposed to guide the development through the construction phase and clarify arrangements for the eventually Management Company will be set up soon.
ACLT AGM – 15 June, 7pm, Arundel Town Hall - please come and join us
We look forward to seeing you at our Annual General Meetings in June. As well as updates about our activities over the past 12 months, we have arranged a speaker about Arundel’s Housing Needs Survey. We hope this will help guide us all as we consider our next project.
This is the main opportunity for our members to meet one another and speak to Directors so we do hope you can make it.
Are you interested in being a CLT Director?
Our ideal size for the CLT board is 8-12 Directors. Six Directors have terms of office continuing into 2024 and 2025 and two current Directors with expiring terms of office have indicated they are willing to re-stand for a further three years, as have our two co-opted members.
That means we have up to 2 vacancies to fill at the AGM so if this interests you, please do contact me or one of the other Directors as soon as possible. The cut-off date for completed Nomination and Application forms will be 1 June so don't delay if you are interested.
Have you moved since you became an ACLT member?
Please remember to let us know if your address changes. The Arundel grapevine is good enough to let us know that a few of your are no longer at the address we have for you. Hopefully you are receiving this email but we do rely on you to let us know when your contact details change.
Best wishes
Hilary Knight
ACLT Secretary