Dear Arundel CLT Member
Director elections
Further to my email last week, I now attach details of the three people who will be standing for election at
the AGM on 15 June:
We have seven Directors whose terms of office have not yet expired, so if these three are elected at the AGM,
we will have a board of 10 which is within the range of 8-12 our Standing Orders seek to maintain.
One Director, Marc Rankin, has resigned from the board and will not re-stand.
Street Names for New Estate off Ford Road
Esquire Developments are looking at street names for the development off Ford Road.
If you have suggestion you would like them to consider, could you get let me know before the end of next
weekend (by Sunday 11 June)?
We have been asked to get back to Esquire with any suggestions the following week and we will update
you at the AGM.
Best wishes
Hilary Knight
ACLT Secretary