Members Newsletter - June 2022

Dear CLT member


Please see below important reminders about the current consultation by Esquire Developments, and notification of two important CLT meetings:


Tuesday 21 June


ACLT-hosted meeting with representatives from Esquire, Norfolk Estate and Action in Rural Sussex  6.30pm, Baptist Church, Torton Hill Road BN18 9JQ



Thursday 30 June


ACLT AGM in Green Room (first floor, front) The Victoria Institute, 10 Tarrant Street BN18 9DG starting at 7pm.



Regarding your ACLT communications:


We would like to continue using email as by far the most convenient for our volunteer-Directors to service and less costly demand on our scarce grant-funds. 


If you did not receive emails from such as the two listed below, please could you contact us (details at bottom of this letter) to confirm you email address and we will attempt to resolve any issues under our control (we understand some email filters put ACLT emails into Spam/Junk, and may even delete them – only you can address that one….)


  1. Wednesday 1 June 2022 8:19am heading ‘Ford Road project – June public consultation and ACLT member event’
  2. Saturday 2 April 2022 9.50am heading ‘Arundel CLT Member Newsletter - includes details of e-form to Register for affordable housing on development off Ford Road’





Public consultation about Reserved Planning matters for development off Ford Road on line until 30 June   


Best wishes and don’t hesitate to contact us  if you have any questions or comments for ACLT


Best wishes

Hilary Knight
Secretary, Arundel CLT