Dear CLT member
On 21 July Arun District Council (ADC) Planning Committee approved the Ford Road Development Outline Planning Application, which was originally due to be heard in March 2021.
At the ADC Planning meeting there were four in person presentations in person: Two in favour from Guy Dixon (Savills representijng the Norfolk Estate) and Darrell Gale (Arundel CLT Chair) with two against from Alison Wilkinson and Drew Scrimgeour. In addition there was a written statement read out on behalf of Arundel Town Council supporting the plans in light of the recent 2019 Neighbourhood Plan Review.
After these statements, ADC Councillors briefly debated the plans. One spoke against the plans on the grounds that this was a greenfield site, another was worried that other fields would then be built upon. Two Councillors spoke about how exciting these plans were, not least because of the involvement of ACLT and the level of affordable housing (at ‘social’ rent) that would be made available on this development. There were also a numer of comments about roads and traffic.
Additionally, since the site is the subject of a policy in a ‘made’ Neighbourhood Plan this plan was now also included in the ADC Local Development Plan; this distinguishes it from other greenfield sites and provides protection for other fields not covered by a made NP.
The ADC Planning Committee agreed with the Officer’s Report/Recommendations and approved the Outline Plans with detailed matters reserved and subject to the s106 Agreement.
The Section 106 Agreement is legally binding. It sets out how the affordable homes will be delivered and includes details of a payment to Highways England for road improvements near the site (on the Ford Road) and the transfer of land to Arundel Town Council (ATC) for allotments and a new community building.
In addition to the affordable homes, 20 at social rent (around 50% of market rent) and 7 shared ownership, more than half the site will provide new public access Green Space and new allotments, which all Arundel residents will be able to enjoy, with links to the wider public footpath network.
There is 0.10ha given to ATC for the provision of a new community building, this could be a nursery or a modern accessible multi-use space.
Part of the agreement sets out how local people (on the ADC Housing List) will be able to apply for the affordable homes, and a Local Lettings Policy (LLP) will be appended to the agreement.
The LLP is an agreement between ADC, ACLT and our Registered Housing Provider, Aster. This policy sets out in detail how people with a ‘Local Connection’ (subject to financial conditions) will get priority for the affordable homes (both socially rented and shared ownership).
Local Connection is defined by time resident or working in Arundel or family connections, upbringing or schooling in Arundel. The purpose is to provide housing for a section of the community who would otherwise have to leave the area to live/work breaking important social/familial/community cohesion.
Over the coming months, we at ACLT will be working hard to finalise the LLP and s106 Agreement working closely with Norfolk Estate/Savills, ADC and Aster.
The development provides many opportunities for community and public benefits and we at Arundel CLT look forward to supporting any future consultations on this project.
Norfolk Estate/Savills have made it very clear they are interested to hear community views on architectural styles and flavours – these aren’t things we will get unanimity about, but they are things where we can shape Arundel’s future if we want to give the issues some attention in the coming weeks and months.
If you are not already a Member of the ACLT, please do consider joining. Details are given on our website (, on the ‘Get Involved’ page. It costs just £1 to join and this gives you a say in how the CLT develops and hold the board of directors to account.
Best wishes and do get in touch as and when you have questions or comments.
Hilary Knight
Arundel CLT Secretary