Dear CLT member
If you have friends, relations, neighbours, who have not yet become CLT members, please put in a word. Often personal approaches make the difference. Membership forms will be available at the hand sanitiser points at this Saturday’s Farmers’ Market or can be downloaded here.
Applications received in time for the board meeting on 29 April gives people a vote at this year’s AGM and they can stand to be a Director.
Please make a note in your diary now that the AGM will take place on Thursday 17 June at 7pm. We have booked a room in the Town Hall knowing that we will need to ensure proper and safe compliance with Covid measures in place at the time. We propose to facilitate people to participate virtually – in both the formal business (Election of Directors; Annual Accounts etc.) and updates and presentation from the board about our work during the year and plans for the future.
If you have specific comments about the arrangements for the AGM, could you contact us at as it always helps to have an appreciation of individual preferences and requirements.
We are looking to recruit new Directors this year: if you are interested to know more, please get in touch. Perhaps you would like to observe the April board meeting?
Many of you will be aware that Outline Planning permission for the development off Ford Road is now under consideration by Arun District Council. Arundel CLT was formed to manage delivery of Affordable Homes for Arundel and this site is an important opportunity for that: unlike many ‘brownfield sites’ the financial appraisal allows for 30% Affordable Homes, and, in this case, the landowner is very sympathetic to working collaboratively with the CLT.
Thanks to those of you who participated in the Local Lettings survey. Your responses were really helpful and we’ll update you as and when we use them to firm up our work with Arun District Council and our Registered Provider of Social Housing on a Local Lettings Policy.
We have added a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section to our website to cover eneral information and specific Q&As about the Ford Road development.
Here are some points you might find helpful as and when you find yourself in conversation with those campaigning against the development:
► CLT Members can have a say in how this site and other projects will be delivered, so join now.
► Affordable homes will be for those with existing links to Arundel as a priority, so if you think you might be eligible get
on the lists now!
► The Norfolk Estate consistently emphasis that the site will be designed at above the normal levels in terms of both
look as well as materials used thus creating an attractive addition to the existing housing stock.
► The site will provide new green spaces for all to enjoy as well as attractive access to Public Rights of Way (PROW)
network and eventually the new Arundel to Ford cycle/walking path.
► There will be new allotments for all to apply for.
► There will eventually be a new community building on the site for all groups to use. This will be the only truly
accessible community building in Arundel.
► Traffic on Ford Road will continue to increase for many reasons – now is the time to think about your attitude to
traffic calming – West Sussex County Council say it’s ok to maintain the current 40 mph speed limit even when the
new road junction to access the new housing is in place. How slow are you prepared to go?
► Because Arundel has a Neighbourhood Plan in place, 25% of the Community Infrastructure Levy from the new
homes comes directly to the town. Leaving 75% for providers of other services including schools and health to address the needs of expanding population.
Best wishes and do get in touch as and when you have questions or comments.
Hilary Knight
Arundel CLT Secretary