Dear CLT member
I am writing to let you know that the Outline Planning Permission documents for the development of 90 homes at Ford Road was submitted in December.
We have created links to the key documents from the Ford Road Page (link) of our website. It may be easier to download the documents from here, but it is no substitute for accessing in the full application on the the Arun District Council Planning Portal (link) using this reference: AB/135/20/OUT. Local residents can respond to the Outline Plans via this portal, and we encourage you to do so as well.
We continue to work with the Norfolk Estate, their advisors Savills and our Registered Provider (RP) of Affordable Housing, Aster, on important issues such as the Local Lettings Policy to be agreed with Arun District Council. Arundel households in the vicinity of the development and those who engaged in the recent consultation (assuming they provided appropriate contact details) will shortly receive an update from the Norfolk Estate. This will cover not only the current plans, but also details arising from the public consultation that they carried out late last year.
Click here or the image above to view/download the Norfolk Estate January update.
Another development since our last news letter is the publication of our short Biodiversity Statement (link). This summarises the work of our biodiversity sub group during the year which led to a very useful discussion amongst all board members to grow our understanding and sensitivity to biodiversity and green issues.
The Ford Road development is creating opportunities to implement the Green Infrastructure Network policies set out in the 2019 Arundel Neighbourhood Plan Review. We are pleased to see these are also reflected in the Outline Planning Permission.
You may also be aware that a safe cycling/walking route from Arundel to Ford Station (and beyond to the A259/NCN2) could be funded from the Community Infrastructure Levy arising from the provision of new homes. If you walk or cycle and would like to find out more about this please see join the Arundel Cycling and Walking Forum (ACWF) - see this page on Love Arundel website (link)
Finally, we would like to grow the membership of the CLT, not least because it will ensure that the CLT board is accountable to the broader community and shape our work in the future: So please mention this to your friends and neighbours. The application form is on our Get Involved (link) page.
Meanwhile, I wish you a Happy New Year. We will have a stall at the Farmers’ Market (pandemic restrictions allowing) in February or March so please come and say ‘hello’ to us there.
Best wishes,
Hilary Knight
CLT Secretary, on behalf of the CLT board