Members Newsletter - April 2022

Dear CLT member



E-form to register for affordable housing on Ford Road development

Arun District Council have now registered the ‘e-form’ to check eligibility under the local lettings policy and register interest in the affordable housing on the site.  There are links from our website but here is the link direct if you want to share it with anyone

People interested in both Social Rent and Shared Ownership need to complete two separate e-forms. 


The Arun District Council site also says for:

We also recommend that you apply to join our housing register, if eligible, to ensure that we are aware of your circumstances and to make sure you are given the correct priority.

Shared ownership
You’ll need to register with the government’s South of England Help to Buy Agent.

We hope people find the form straight-forward to find and complete, but if you hear of any issues please encourage people to contact the CLT we will do what we can to help.

We will continue to keep our website up to date with news of the Ford Road development

Joining up locally to explore possibilities for new public access open space 

The 90 new homes take up just under half of the development site on the land off Ford Road.


The remainder become new public access space for the whole town to enjoy with new access to the wider public rights of way network (PROW).
People involved in Arundel community environmental projects have been in touch with ACLT and one idea is a ‘Children’s Forest’:  


Local resident, Mary Peach, who some of you may know, is going to arrange a Zoom briefing from Jo de Diepold Braham, the Children's Forest founder to help others understand more how it works. 


Also, you may have seen publicity about ‘Foraged & Found’ events on Saturday 30 April to launch a community Forest School project.  For more information and book details please contact Mary Peach

Call for Directors

We will be electing a number of new Directors at our AGM in June.  If you are interested in becoming a CLT Director, please contact us as soon as possible.

Growing our membership

We were pleased to recruit a number of new members following recent local publicity and at the Community Fayre.  Please do put in a word with local friends and neighbours to help us grow our community base.  Application forms can be downloaded from our Get Involved page. 


Best wishes

Darrell Gale
Chair, Arundel CLT